Contributions of Erica D. Smith

Political Career

Erica D. Smith is a three term State Senator. Her journey began in 2014 where she clinched the North Carolina Senate seat. She ran on a Democratic Party ticket and represented the good people of North Carolina’s Senate District 3 from 2015 and was re-elected unopposed in 2016. She went on to defeat her republican rival in 2018. This meant that she made the shortlist of American American legislators to be re-elected three times in succession. During her time as a Senator, Smith served in several capacities. She occupied several positions as Chair and Second Chair of the Democratic Women’s Caucus, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the NCLBC Agriculture Working Group. She also had an official position in the Joint Legislative Women’s Caucus and was a First Vice-Chair for Northampton County.

Smith has had a colorful political career. She ran for Democratic primary in 2022 and withdrew from the Senate race at the back end of 2021. She eventually lost the Democratic primary on May 17th 2022 to Don Davis. Erica Smith was also a candidate for the U.S senate seat in 2020 and vied for the House of Representatives North Carolina position in 2022. She is a self driven, highly motivated professional whose experience is unmatched.

Religious and Civic Memberships

As a seasoned professional, Erica Smith still serves a curriculum and instructional specialist at the Haliwa-Saponi Tribal School (North Carolina). While she retired from active ministry, she still serves an Associate Servant  at the Cool Spring Missionary Baptist Church. Smith is also a Former Vice Moderator and member of the Northampton County and Vicinity Missionary Baptist Association. She is former member of the Northampton County Board of Education. This is one of the notable civic memberships that has put her in the forefront in the quest for better education standards and improvement in early childhood curriculum.

Erica’s push for women rights also exposed her to the National Association of University Women. She still ranks as an active member of this association and is still actively championing women’s rights. She is a firm believer in equal rights in the democratic space. This is evident in her active role as the Chair and First Chair of the Northampton County Democratic Party between 2006 and 2013. She played a significant role in improving the democratic space and ensuring marginalized communities received equal rights. All these roles demonstrate her commitment to equal legislation and the crucial nature of proper political practice.